Karl Johann Grass

17.03.1720 – 28.11.1796

Karl Johann Grass (1720 - 1796) - German-Lutheran pastor in Dzerbene, a man of letters and translator, a representative of Enlightenment. K. Harder sent his collection of folk songs to be included in G. Bergmann's first collection of folk songs.

Birth time/place


Place/time of death

Dzērbenes pagasts

Personal information

Father, Peter Grass - governor of Madliena Manor, Mother – Susanna, born Healenius. He struggled for his education himself as his parents turned him to an orphanage in Riga at the age of 13. Because of difficult youth and the need to deal independently with everything early on, work and education went hand in hand. At the age of 27, in Riga, he came under the patronage of the rector of Schola Carolina J. Loder, with the support of whom he graduated this lyceum and entered the University of Jena.
On his return to Livonia, he initially worked as a private tutor until he became a permanent pastor.

1762: married, wife Maria Magdalena Steingötter, daughter of archivist. The family has five children, of whom, Karl Gothard Grass (1767-1814) a painter, graphic artist and literary writer left significant traces in the cultural history of Latvia.

He collaborated with a representative of the Enlightenment and a man of letters, landlord of Drusti manor Nikolaus Christoph von Hagemeister.

K.J.Grass seems to have collected Latvian folk songs guided by his interest. His letter to G. Merkel in 1797 attests to it. Presumably, due to the collector's death, the folk songs collected in Dzerbene are sent to Rujiena’s pastor G. Bergmann for the publication of the first collection of folk songs by K. Harder.

Professional activity

Pastoral activities

1776: built a stone church when serving in the parishes of Dzerbene and Drustu

Original works

1794: wrote Lutheran catechism "The way to their eternal good and prosperity is shown from the natural recognition of man and from the words of God in the following five passages in children's teaching is fully shown"


1764: "The Aizkraukle and Rimanis Manor Court is given by Carl Friedrich Schulz in the year 1764" - Laws of Baron Carl Friedrich Schulz of Aizkraukle and Rimanis Manor for the serfs of these manors;

1790: "A Brief instruction for Latvians regarding the saving of those who drowned or experienced a sudden and quick death" - Translation of the work of Drustu Manor landlord Nicolaus Christopher Hagemeister.

Work in folkloristics

Presumably, he collected folk songs guided by his own interest. 16 folk songs collected byC.J. Grass are included in G. Bergmann’s'First Collection of Latvian Epigrams.

Name at birth


Working place

Mājskolotājs fon Hanenfeldu (Hanenfeld) ģimenē

Sekretāra Medera palīgs, dokumentu pārrakstītājs.


Mājskolotājs tirgotāja forn Pieča (Pietsch) ģimenē

Liepkalnes evanģēliski luteriskā draudze
Liepkalnes evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca
Šai laikā izveidojis arī mazu privātskolu.

Dzērbenes evaņģēliski luteriskā draudze
Dzērbenes evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca
1776. gadā uzcelta pirmā Dzērbenes mūra baznīcaDibinājis draudzes skolu.


Vecāki nodevuši bāriņu namā.

Lielvārdes mācītājmuiža
Atradies pie Lielvārdes macītāja Jakoba Andrē (Andreae, 1699 – 1776), kas darbojies 2. Bībeles izdevuma sagatavošanā.Šajā laikā strādājis par mājskolotāju pie landrāta fon Volfenšīlda (Wolffenschield).


Friziera māceklis

lat. Schola Carolina
Mazā Pils iela 4, Rīga
27 gadu vecumā nokļuvis Rīgā pie rektora Johana Lodera (Loder, 1687—1775). J. Lodera kontrolē, mācības sākot ar 4. klasi, beidzis liceju.

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Studējis teologiju. Studijām ieguvis stipendiju 40 guldeņi.


Pēc studiju beigšanas, ceļu daļēji mērojot kājām, atgriezies Livonijā.


Dzērbenes vecie kapi
”Tur, kur Dieva debesnami,Tur aizved viņu Dieva Eņģeļi.Stāviet klusu, šeit apdomādami,Kāds viņš draugs un mācītājs jums bij.”Dēla K. G. Grasa vārdi, iekalti K. J. Grasa kapakmenī Dzērbenes vecajos kapos.