Frīdrihs Augusts Čarnevskis

05.08.1766 – 23.09.1832

Friedrich August CZARNEWSKI (1766-1832) was a Baltic German writer and the author of the first biography of G. F. Stender (1805). Czarnewski wrote occasional poems, a book on pig breeding for Latvians, an alphabet for Germans, and released serial publications. His life was marked by several adventurous events – having returned to Kurzeme in 1793, he called himself a Goslar canon, which got him into trouble because of an apparent conversion to Catholicism and ties with the Jesuit Order. As an inspector of schools in Jelgava district in 1805, he demanded to be called a doctor, but in 1811 wanted to retire from the responsibilities of a school inspector, however,was not relieved from his obligations. During the French invasion of Liepaja, he fled with the entire funds of the Jelgava district schools to Berlin and Hamburg, where he fell into French hands as a potential spy. Czarnewski managed to escape to Königsberg. Due to allegations of embezzlement, Czarnewski was caught, brought back to Jelgava and tried, but released, and ordered to repay the money of Jelgava district schools. Part of the debt was cleared by Czarnewski's friend.

Birth time/place


Place/time of death


Personal information

Friedrich August Czarnewski was born into the family of a Polish descendant of landlords Anna Christina, born Beutler, and a book printer Johann Gottfried Czarnewski.He was twice married: on February 10, 1799, in Mežotne to Anne Elizabeth Parlemann (deceased in 1846), whom he divorced, and on November 20, 1817, in Jelgava, he married Anna Dorothea Frei. The last years of his life he lived in Riga.

Professional activity

Editor for serial publications

1789-1790: Geoponika, eine ökonomische Monatsschrift für Kur- und Lievlands Bewohner - a monthly paper targeting agricultural issues, published in Jelgava. Digitized by: UB Tartu.

1800-1802: Mitauischer Almanach auf das Schaltjahr... "The Almanac of Jelgava", published in Jelgava.

1810-1811: Kurländisches Provinzialblatt - "Provincial Gazette of Kurland ", weekly issue, 27 issues

1811: Thuiskon, Zeitschrift zur Unterhaltung für deutsche Leser - magazine for German readers [Thuiston or Tuisto is a Germanic god] published in Jelgava, 18 notebooks.

1823: Ein Fidibus - [from Latin, paper, or other item to light a pipe] only 8 pages are known.


1789: Geographisch-statistische Merkwürdigkeiten von Kurland- "Issues of Geographical and Statistical Interest in Kurland ", published in Hamburg in the Politisches Journal, No. 5, pp. 557- 565.

1793: Widerlegung einer beleidigenden Unwahrheit, und Sicherung gegen ihre weitere nachtheilige Verbreitung - Czarnewski sets out his observations on the connection with the Jesuits, in the newspaper Mitauische Zeitung. No.17, 16.02.1793.

1805: Neues ABC Buch - The New ABC.

1805-1807: Nachrichten von den in der Gouvernementsstadt Mitau befindlichen oertlichen Unterrichtsanstalten - survey of schools in Jelgava district and other texts related to education.

1809: Geschichte der Kirchen zu Goldingen - "The History of Kuldiga Church", published in E. Henning Geschichte der Stadt Goldingen in Kurland. 195-338. p.

1818: Gedenkblätter, dem Herrn Aeltesten der Schwarzen Häupter P.E.Kroeger und der Demoiselle K.E.Schmidt an Ihrem festlichen Ehebundestage in Riga den 15. (27.) März 1818 geweihet - wedding day poem.

1821: Neueste Geschichte der Libauschen St. Annen- oder Lettischen Kirche - an insight into the history of St. Anne's Church (Latvian) in Liepaja.


Name at birth

Johann Georg Martin Friedrich August Czarnewski


C. George ; Karl Friedrich Böhm

Additional names



University of Königsberg
Studējis "Collegium Fridericianum" teoloģiju, imatrikulēts kā Johann Georg Shierneffsky

Working place

mājskolotājs un mācītājs

Parish of Selburg and Sonnaxt
Sēlpils un Sunākstes draudzes baznīca
uzturas mācītājmuižā pie Stenderiem, nodarbojas draudzes locekļu vidū ar baku potēšanu un palīdzību dzemdībās

Ierēdnis - sekretārs (Sekräter der Niederrechtspflege)

Kurzemes konsistorijas sekretārs


1790: strādā dāņu sūtņa kancelejā Pēterburgā, tad pārsūtīts uz Kopenhāgenu; vēlāk ceļo pa Angliju, Holandi un Vāciju.